Hey Mom!
Thanks so much for the pictures! The bridge picture is crazy! and
Rosita is so cute! and you and Eleanor and what I can see of Josh look great
These pictures are of the Brooklyn Bridge, and
Me and Elder Rose on transfer day.
I don't have much time left so I will do what Devin did a lot and
copy my letter to my mission president to you. Recently it has been really hot
and humid, last night we had thunderstorms, and today it cooled off so that was
Here's the letter to President Calderwood.
Missions are so incredible because of all the different ways you
learn. I have learned some things from experience, but I have also learned some
incredible things through very guided study. I can't believe how much I can
learn and how deep the message goes in just an hour or less. And the things
that I learn seem so powerful to me, but when I try to explain them they seem
so basic and common sense. But what I have learned has changed me for the
better. Recently we have worked hard as a district and companionship on
planning by setting Visions, Goals, and Plans. This strategy is so clear and
powerful, especially when guided by the Spirit. Elder Nisguritzer and I have
felt very guided as we have planned for our investigators and sought from the
Lord what they need. And very recently we have felt the need for more
inspiration, and much more action in order to hit our vision. I learned this
week one of the reasons, and perhaps the reason that exact obedience brings
miracles. It is because miracles are wrought by faith. It is stated so many places.
Moroni 10:7, and Ether 12 are some of my favorites. God works according to the
faith of men, and faith is manifest through our actions (as well as in our
focused, purposeful, and powerful prayers as I learned in Alma 8:10). As we
show God our faith unto obedience, he performs miracles. Elder Nisguritzer and
I are really going to work on this during the last few weeks of this transfer,
as we have a previously set vision that is very high. We know this vision will
be a great challenge to achieve, but we also know it was inspired, and as Elder
Nisguritzer reminded me, 1 Nephi 3:7 can occur in our lives here and now. Thank you so much President for all you have taught us, as well as placing me here with my companion, district, zone, and branch. They have all changed me for the better. Working with Elder Nisgurizter has accelerated my spiritual learning and growth more than anything else.
Elder Schenk
I wrote a bit to dad so his email will have more. We played
kickball today as a zone and it was really fun! It was great to combine soccer
and baseball and to just run and have fun. before the activity started our ball
got kicked into the pond, and we couldn't swim to get it, so another missionary
and I ran into town to Modell's sporting goods (it's like big 5 or sports
athourity, maybe a mix of the two) to get another one. While there, I bought
some sweatbands! grey nike ones for the arms and a reversible blue/white
addidas one for my head, so I'm pretty well off now.
Another thing. I'm not sure how we could do this but I've seen
another missionary use dropbox to share pictures with his family, so maybe we
could figure out how to do that.
Love you all!
Elder Schenk
Hi Dad,
The time seems to fly by really fast! I need to make sure I'm
using my time well every day. I feel like my mission will go by pretty fast
now. We are already starting week four of the transfer, so it's already halfway
over! I can't believe it. It makes me start thinking about what might happen
next transfer meeting. I wonder if I will go somewhere else. When I think about
that it makes me want to do all that I can here to make sure I did my part
strengthening the branch and paving the way for someone else to take my place.
Last night Elder Nisguritzer and I were talking and I brought up a concern
about our 3 month goal that Elder Rose and I felt inspired to set. It was 3
baptisms. We still have zero baptisms and zero progressing investigators. We
have a lot that could be progressing soon, they just need more work. As we
talked about it, we decided that we will redouble our efforts and do everything
we can to be faithful unto obedience and get this miracle to happen. We feel
good about three of our investigators, so we will see what happens.
The Holy Ghost has led me to some great learning experiences! A
while back I had an incredible study about Faith, Hope and Charity. I also read
part of a collection of talks and quotes about faith, called the Doctrine of
Faith. It was really good. And yesterday morning and this morning I learned an
incredible amount about Prayer! The Spirit is definitely guiding these studies!
This understanding is changing me. My prayers the last few days have been more
focused, and I have also learned about myself. Based on what I read in Chapter
6 (Christlike Attributes) in Preach My Gospel, I have a lot of hope. I learned
this morning about how incredibly important prayer is in every step of the
Doctrine of Christ. Faith is driven by prayer, Repentance is more effective
through prayer, Baptism and Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost are done
through prayer, and Enduring to the End requires constant prayer. "Pray
always." That is just a really short summary of what I learned.
Today we had a zone activity. We played Kickball! It was really
fun and I loved it. I used my baseball knowledge and chatter, played at third
base for a little bit, kicked a home run, Had a nice catch in center field, got
knocked over by a sister missionary, and slid headfirst into third base very
smoothly. It was really fun. I'll attach some pictures. I also bought some new
sweatbands and am enjoying them a lot
Love you so much!
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